Fullmetal Trouble

Winry sits alone at her table as she tries (and fails) to not sound worried about the recent disappearance of the man she loves.

"Where did that idiot disappear to?" She thinks to herself, oblivious to the fact that he is standing on the top of her cup and waving at her. She also doesn't notice him when she grabs her drink and he falls in. Finally, she is yet again unaware of his flailing presence when she brings the drink to her mouth.

A quick gulp later, and the shrunken Edward slides down her tongue and into her throat. Startled, he looks around, only to realize he is in her stomach. At this point, there is little he can do except stay there or complete his journey...

Story by caleb B
Artwork by SednaStudio-Xue

High resolution (3300x5100)

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