What If Thanos Got A More Karmic Punishment?

A play on the now-popular "What If?" series from Marvel Studios! As we all know by now, it took The Avengers five years to save the universe and defeat Thanos once and for all, at great personal cost. But what if, instead of all that trouble, the Avengers, stopped Thanos before he did the Snap and (with the help of Ant-Man and his partner the Wasp) gave him the ultimate punishment?
Since Thanos dropped his own adopted "daughter" Gamora to her death for the sake of ultimate power, he'd have to endure a similar fate. However, thanks to some Pym Particles, he would instead be dropped into the hungry ass of a horny Black Widow, where he would be her tiny little prisoner for all eternity and his miniaturized ship deep within her belly!

Story by Stevie K.
Artwork by Picojin

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